(240) 750-7216

Hyunsuk Choi

Director of Development and Acquisition

Mr. Choi has 14 years of real estate development and finance experience concentrating on multifamily, affordable, and mixed-use development projects located in Maryland. Mr. Choi has developed, renovated, underwritten, and closed over 2,900 units with development costs in excess of $900 million and focused on identifying and obtaining the financing for the determined project. Mr. Choi secured creative financing to maximize performance while increasing affordability though local, state and federal preservation programs including Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, and Montgomery County Housing Initiative Funds (HIF). Mr. Choi serves as the Managing Director of Real Estate Development and is responsible for performing financial feasibility analyses, evaluating due diligence materials, assessing financing options, preparing financing proposals and managing projects through the development period on behalf of CDC Capital. Before CDC Capital, Mr. Choi served as the Housing Acquisition Manager at Housing Opportunities Commission. Prior to joining the Housing Opportunities Commission, Mr. Choi worked as a Financial Analyst & Accountant for Evergreen Devco, Inc in Phoenix, AZ.  Mr. Choi has a Master’s in Professional Studies in Real Estate from the Georgetown University and a B.A. in Finance from the Arizona State University.

Brian Kim

Hyunsuk Choi
Director of Development and Acquisition